Thursday, October 4, 2007

You were made for joy...

Here's a nice extract from a talk given by Maharaji recently:

"It’s not about the what’s going on in the world. It’s about what’s going on in your life.
It’s about what you see. What you feel.

Do you feel your heart? Do you feel the passion to want peace in your life? Do you feel the passion for joy in your life? Do you feel the passion for contentment in your life? Do you feel the passion for understanding in your life?

Do you feel the passion for clarity in your life? What do you want?

What drives you? Every day, what drives you? Is it the logic or is it the passion? Is it all your reasonings – “But I have to, but I have to…” Or is it the desire from deep within you to want to be fulfilled?

If you acknowledge that in your life, then it becomes the companion. It becomes that force that shapes you, that evolves you, that turns you towards what you were made for.

You were made for joy."

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