Angel Prayers and Messages

Order your thoughts

Be clear on your intent

And God will send an Angel to help you

(from Angel Prayers and Messages, Manifestation Prayer p.27)

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The Book

While the whole angel industry and the current interest in cosmic ordering may seem new, angels and belief in the power of prayer are as old as time itself. Angel Prayers and Messages covers modern ideas of manifestation and guidance but, more importantly, it is the first book of its kind to compile both modern-day and age-old prayers specifically directed to angels.
The introductory chapters give a very clear and inspirational overview on what it means to pray and the act of praying itself.
Contents include:
How to Pray;
The Role of the Guardian Angel;
Guardian Angel Prayers;
Novenas to the Angels;
Litanies to the Angels;
Chaplets to the Angels;
Archangel Prayers;
Angel Messages

What others had to say about this book:

'Every so often a book comes along that has a profound impact on humanity. This is such a book. An inspiring, compelling, spiritual text that will help to guide humanity to a global unity grounded in angelic blessings, affirmation and prayers rather than personal differences.'
Gary Quinn ( Bestselling Author of  May the Angels Be With You, Living in the Spiritual Zone and An Angel Forever
'This book opens your heart to truly hear the secret messages from your angels so your spirit can soar and blessings multiply. By following the wonderful guidance in this book you can step lightly and joyously into the realm of angels.
Denise Linn (  Author of Sacred Space and Soul Coaching

Why should we pray?

Life, as they say, is the dash between dates on a tombstone. Speculating on where we came from or why or where we might go afterwards is not what life is about. Life is the dash in between these certainties and how we experience that dash, how we colour it, how much we fill it with pleasure or pain is down to us. We cannot choose when we come or when we go, but we can make choices in our lives that affect our attitude to our lives and the direction our lives will take. The real point and purpose of prayer is to continually bring us back to an awareness of the preciousness of life, to help us make conscious and responsible choices, to help us learn from our mistakes and most of all to help us to find a way of feeling gratitude, contentment and fulfilment in our lives. And we don't have to go it alone! We have teachers and guides available throughout our lives (if we choose to listen to them!) and we have the Angels by our sides, always there for us and ready to help.

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Healing Online

Join with us on Sundays at 12 noon to send healing to people on our list and in your own thoughts. On Sundays at 12.30 join to send healing to all animals on the planet. Just direct your healing using your own methods or else focus on the picture below and imagine all the people or animals on the list and your own special intentions to be in the centre of the circle of light.

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